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A Look Into The Annual Tradition

Dragon Boat Festival: A Time for Celebration and Tradition in Taiwan

A Look into the Annual Tradition

Held every year on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival is a significant event in Chinese culture. In Taiwan, this holiday is known as the Double Fifth Festival and is celebrated with a variety of customs and traditions.

Cultural Significance

The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the poet and statesman Qu Yuan, who drowned in the Miluo River over 2,000 years ago. According to legend, people tried to save Qu by paddling out in dragon boats and throwing rice dumplings into the water to distract the river creatures. These practices evolved into the modern-day traditions of dragon boat racing and consuming zongzi, glutinous rice dumplings filled with various ingredients.

Festival Celebrations

During the Dragon Boat Festival, people in Taiwan engage in several activities: * Dragon Boat Racing: Teams compete in thrilling dragon boat races on rivers and lakes across the country. * Zongzi Making: Families gather to make and eat zongzi, which symbolize prosperity and good fortune. * Eye-Dotting Ceremony: Before the dragon boat races, an eye-dotting ceremony is performed to bless the boats and bring them to life.

2023 Festival Dates

In 2023, the Dragon Boat Festival falls on June 22nd. The Taipei International Dragon Boat Championships will be held from June 22nd to 24th at Dajia Riverside Park.


The Dragon Boat Festival is a vibrant celebration of Chinese history and culture. In Taiwan, it is a time for family, tradition, and a display of athleticism. As the dragon boats glide through the water and the aroma of zongzi fills the air, Taiwan transforms into a kaleidoscope of color and joy, leaving a lasting impression on all who experience it.
